stone maiden

trophy room


I am proud to receive the following tokens, and thank the high kings and loremasters who so generously honoured this realm.

Each trophy is displayed in it's own display wall niche - click on "see award" to view. Click on "see site" to journey to the realm it was collected from. Each new realm visited will open on a new path.

  • ARTISTIC GOLD AWARD - "What a great page! I think I spent the last hour there. At least. lol. I made a decision that your page deserves as soon as I came to the site. It's so well maintained, full of content, interesting ... Congrats to you! As I do not have the award displayed on my pages ready yet I am sending you a "twin" award. I will definately send you the other one in about a week or so. (I have you listed.) So apparently you're getting two golds . lol"
    [see the score] [see award] [see site]
  • AWARD OF THE FAE - "Greetings creative one, I am Euphoria, The Fae Gatekeeper of Dreams. As essence of creation I possess the entrance to the realm of dreams and smile upon those worthy to enter my world. You have entered and I see you are a creator as well. Being one of talent I give you this."
    [see award] [see site]
  • BEST OF POD (Tripod - 8 Feb 1999) - "Congratulations! Your Tripod member page Mynfel's Hearth ( has been chosen as the Best of Pod in the Celtic Heritage Pod this week! Best of Pod pages are the Pod pages that we're proud of - they are featured on the front page of the Pod for two weeks, a star is placed next to their URL on the Pod Publishers' Pages, and also may be included in the member spotlights on the front page of the Tripod site. This is your blue ribbon, badge of honor; so, go ahead, show off! Congrats, The Tripod Team"
    [see award] [see site]
  • CELTIC PRIDE AWARD - "It is with much pleasure I'm sending you my Celtic Pride Award, congratulations :)"
    [see award] [see site]
    I have just finished visiting your hearth and signed your guestbook. What an enchanting place you have created!
    I would like you to have my Celtic Spirit Award, for your site is filled with it (see other comments on your guestbook). Have a wonderful week. Brightest blessings, Arianrhod
    [see award] [see site]
  • CELTIC THISTLE AWARD - "I would like to inform you that Mynfel's Celtic Hearth has received the Celtic Thistle Award for excellence. Congratulations and keep up the good work."
    [see award] [see site]
  • COOL REALITY AWARD - "Congratulations on your site! Your site has been awarded the .Cool Reality Award. This award is given to sites that have elegant graphics, content, and a cool sense of being about it."
    [see award] [see site]
  • CRITICAL MASS AWARD - "Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, excellent
    design, beautiful original graphics, great photos, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web."
    [see award] [see site]
  • DRAGON'S CHOICE AWARD - "I am happy to inform you that you have won the Dragon's Choice Award for Jan of 1999. I hope you are as pleased with the graphic as I and the other judges were with your site."
    [see award] [see site]
  • DRAGONMUSE CREATIVE AWARD - "Hi Mynfel, You have won the DragonMuse Creative Award for your Mynfel's Celtic Hearth. I really enjoyed my visit and certainly will be back. I love the stories, art and your very nice use of coding. I have featured your site this week. You will find it at There is no requirement that you give me a return link. My awards are given on merit. Keep up the good work:)" - Sandy
    [see award] [see site]
  • ELEGANCE ON THE WEB AWARD - "Congratulations! Your site has won the elegance on the web award! Your site is awesome and elegant!"
    [see award] [see site]
  • ELITE AWARD - "Congratulations! Your Web site has been selected to win an Elite Site Award. This award signifies that your site contains quality content and has skillful design. Your site has been chosen by me, Ravi, to be an 'elite' site."
    [see award] [see site]
  • EMMY'S FAIRY AWARD - "Thanks very much for applying :) I'd be only too happy to give your page my award *s*."
    [see award] [see site]
  • THE EMPEROR NORTON GOLD AWARD - "Your site has won a Norton Prize. The Emperor grants you his gold award, his highest honor, in recognition of your work on this page. The Nortons are named for Joshua Norton who, in 1859, went mad and styled himself "Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico." Unlike other grantors, the Emperor seeks rich and interesting content."
    [see award] [see site]
  • ETERNITY'S BEST OF THE WEB - "Congratulations! Recently, you applied for Eternity's Best of the Web Award. After careful review, Sy, the web's way coolest dragon and hottest web reviewer had found your site to be among the very best on the web."
    [see award] [see site]
  • THE GOLDEN T AWARD - "Congratulations! Your web site has won The Golden T Award."
    [see award] [see site]
  • GOLD HELICOPTER AWARD - "Hello and Congratulations! We are pleased to announce that your submission for the HELICOPTER AWARD has been approved. Your site was reviewed for originality, usefulness of information, graphic design, and was found to add an outstanding artistic flair, careful and concise design, and a wealth of information. Your site only enhances the originality of our internet community. Job well done! Thank you very much for your submission and good luck with your website! I enjoyed surfing your site, and I am sure everybody else will too."
    [see award] [see site]
  • GOLD STANDARD AWARD - " ScotDirect Scottish Links ..... ScotDirect list only Scotish sites. If your site is listed in this Directory you are in good company! Well over two hundred Scottish sites all with quality content about Scotland, it's people, business and industry, arts and culture."
    [see award] [see site]
  • THE HAWK AWARD - "I visited your web site, and based on my criteria I am presenting you with the Hawk award."
    [see award] [see site]
  • HEAVELUTION CONCERTS CANADA "GREAT GIG" AWARD - " We are pleased to announce your site has been nominated and received this prestigious and globally coveted award... The Heavelution Concerts Canada "Great Gig" Web Site Excellence Award is presented to those special sites which demonstrate initiative, original design, vital functionality and which truly deserve to be recognized for their efforts to inform their fellow man. Generations Informing Generations on the net."
    [see award] [see site]
  • LE MEILLUER DU CYBERSPACE - THE E-SWEET AWARD - "Congratulations ! Your site has been listed as a "Award e-sweet" (98)."
    [see award] [see site]
  • MAJON WEB SELECT "SEAL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD" - "Recently we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to your web site! It is with great pride that we announce that your web site is a WINNER of our most esteemed Majon Web Select "SEAL OF EXCELLENCE AWARD." (As mentioned in the Wall Street Journal.) Congratulations."
    [see award] [see site]
  • MARKET-TEK DESIGN AWARD - "Congratulations! After reviewing your site, we are pleased to present you with the Market-Tek Design Award!"
    [see award] [see site]
  • NANCY'S CELTIC AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE - "Comhgairdeas (Congratulations)! I am very pleased to tell you that your site has been awarded the Nancy's Celtic Award for excellence! This award is not given lightly. As an Irish-American educator, presenting information about our Celtic Cultures is very important to me. You should be proud of the quality of your webpage and I'm happy to present you with this reward for your obvious efforts. I hope that you will display it proudly on your site. Go neirig an bothar leat! May the road rise ahead of you. Enjoy! Slan go foill, Nancy Monaghan"
    [see award] [see site]
  • OPTICAL RESOLUTION GRAPHICS EXCELLENCE AWARD FOR APRIL 1999 - "Congratulations! Your site has won the Optical Resolution Graphics Excellence award for April, 1999. Again, congratulations on a job well done!"
    [see award] [see site]
  • PAT RODDY AWARD - "Congratulations, you have just won Jamie's Pat Roddy Award!!! This is an honor to be a chosen one. Thank you for your time and for having an outstanding site!"
    [see award] [see site]
  • PLANET IRELAND OUTSTANDING SITE AWARD - "Hello Mynfel, I have visited and assessed your page. Your page ranked 42 out of a possible 50. Making you eligible for the "Planet Ireland Outstanding Site Award". It may not sound good- but no one has yet got full marks. Think of anything above 35 as REALLY, REALLY good!! I have tried to be as critical as possible so only the very best (top 10% or so) get awards. Keep up the good work! Kind Regards, Jemma Litster (PLANET IRELAND WEBMISTRESS)
    [see award] [see site]
  • PROSPERITY'S BEST OF THE NET - "I am pleased to say that i am one of the reviewers for Prosperity Publications Awards . And being of Celtic origin myself I wanted to send a personal note and say how much I enjoyed your site .It was very nicely done and well laid out. I wanted to let you know you have my vote and congratulate you on making such a wonderful web page."
    [see award] [see site]
  • SET OFF SITE OF THE DAY - "Congratulations! your page has been selected to receive the Setoff Site Of The Day Award, in the INTEREST category, from Pages are awarded for outstanding content, pagedesign and category relevance."
    [see award] [see site]
  • SHE WOLF'S FAVOURITE SITE - "A wonderful site!!! I also would like to present you with my "Favorite Site" award. It cannot be applied for, I give it only to sites that are very special.... as yours is!"
    [see award] [see site]
  • SNIN NOMINEE AWARD - "After an extensive review of your site by our awards committee we found it to be creative and full of content. Congratulations you have won the "The SNIN Nominee Award." After viewing your site we believe what you offer at least the minimum of our Requirements of what to be a useful Service to the Internet community. Your site is easy to use, friendly and graphically pleasing! Overall we believe it belongs in our list of award nominee winners. Your site only enhances the originality of our internet community."
    [see award] [see site]
  • ST BRIDY AWARD FOR CELTIC EXCELLENCE - "After voting by the members of BlackShade Irish Newsletter your site: Mynfel's Celtic Hearth has been awarded the St. Bridy Award for Celtic Excellence ... for interesting links and design."
    [see award] [see site]
  • TRUE BELIEVERS AWARD - "This is where the Faerie Mother and The Keeper are gathering the forces of good to keep the children of man free from a clouding of their minds and which will enable them to use their imagination and accept the simple truths without question."
    [see award] [see site]
  • TWIN WOLF AWARD OF EXCELLENCE - "A wonderful site!!! I would be honored to have my award displayed on your site!"
    [see award] [see site]
  • TYI AWARD FOR BEAUTIFUL WEB DESIGN - "I am happy to tell you that I have placed your site on my award list. Your site is very unique, and has much beauty and entertainment to offer. I give this award to only a few sites each year, and I feel that yours is one of the best."
    [see award] [see site]
  • WEBMASTERS CREATIVE SITE AWARD - "Hello & Congratulations. We received your application for the 'WCSA'. It took some time for our team to review your homepage, as we receive hundreds of applications each month. But your patience has paid off, after careful reviews from our team, your site was selected to recieve the 'WCSA' for one reason or another. To view the possibilities direct your browser to"
    [see award] [see site]
  • WILD GAEL AWARD - "I've just finished visiting Celtic Hearth, and it's my pleasure to offer you the Wild Gael Award for website excellence. Congratulations, and thank you for adding to the quality of the internet. Mac (Kathie McCormick)
    [see award] [see site]
  • WINGS' AWARD OF CREATIVITY - "It is my pleasure to present to you Wings' Award of Creativity for your website *Mynfel's Celtic Hearth*. When I visited your page, I could see the hard work and talent used to create such an outstanding site, not only in design, but in content as well. Please accept my Award of Creativity. Thank you for applying for my Awards."
    [see award] [see site]
  • WISHING WELL EXCELLENCE AWARD - "Congratulations! Your site has won the Wishing Well Web Page Excellence award! Your site was inspected and found to be not only pleasant to view but also "family friendly". Nice job! You are to be commended for your all your hard work. Again, thanks for your entry and Congratulations on being a Winner! "
    [see award] [see site]

You will find credits and links to the generous souls who have provided the Celtic art, music, poetry and reference material free on the Web, as well as a bibliography of the books and publications that make up a large part of my library and have been a rich resource for these pages in the Credits list.

| outer hearth | anteroom | high court | ceridwen's well | forest of rites |
| inner hearth | ealasaid's realm | trophy room | eternal circles | portal |
| the book of dreams | the messenger |